Why a group date is a good first date

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First date

I remember the first date of most relationships. I was nervous, preparing myself. Depending on how you meet, you do not usually know the other person well enough to feel that you will be comfortable around each other when it is just the two of you. The most nerve-wrecking part is the perceived need to impress her. For the most part, the first date is like an interview. You do not really know if you have the part until after it. Over the years I have come up with many ways to make this a more pleasant experience.

Why a group date is a good first date
A drink goes a long way on a first date

You're a catch

Always remind yourself that you are a catch. For the most part, just being on that date is proof enough that you are worth being with. Understand that you are not the only one looking to make an impression. Think of it as a two way interview, and that perhaps you both want the same thing. Therefore the logical thing to do would be to make sure you are both comfortable and not under any pressure. Anyway let me make my case for group dates.

Group dating

When you go out alone with him/her, you are the centre of attention, which can be so much pressure or pleasure depending on the person you are out with. If you are not sure which way it will go, have a group date. Ask him/her to bring a friend or two and you'll do the same. You need to remember that this is about your and him/her so please do not bring your clingy friend who will not leave your side for a moment. You do not want to have one of those so called "cock blocking" friends either. Your date should not have to get a hard time from your friends for no reason. Bringing his/her friend will mean that he/she brings comfort with them. They are in their comfort zone when around friends, so you are likely to see them at their normal self.

Where to go?

Dependent on who they are, you may go either full on outdoors or indoor on the first date. Some suggestions include bowling, paint balling segway riding, go-carting and so on. Unless they are medically unfit, going physical will make things lighthearted. You will both laugh and be comfortable in no-time.

Paintballing date

Drop us a comment on any other suggestions you have. Or how it went, if you try this method.