Women are word stimulated

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As a kid I'd watch movies and look up to the guy who got the girl. He was always muscular, witty and at times rich. I soon realised that I was hardly any of these things. So to make up for it, I went out of my way to be funny. It was almost natural to me. I almost always had something to say, something to put a smile on everyone's face. That was not enough for me, I wanted to have the muscles. Seeing as I was not allow in the gym at that age, I resolved to wait until I was the right age then I'd gate that six pack that women were crazy about. Unfortunately by the time that age came, it was too late. I had found something else. I had discovered something that has defined me as a man. It's only four words. "Women are word stimulated." I can't quite remember where I first heard it, but it became mine. I possessed it, and lived it. Of course it went on to talk about what stimulates men, but that did not interest me at all.

Women are word stimulated: How to use it

If I said it was genetically coded in the females to find words more appealing than most other things, I would probably be wrong. Yet it Science could never prove that I am wrong. So I'll say I am right. The fact that women are word stimulated means that every word that comes out of your mouth has a purpose. You are either building or breaking your image in her eyes with everything that you say. Choose your words wisely. You may not see the effects right away, but I have counseled couples who have issues that came from words the man said years ago and never realised the damage that he had done to his woman. If you know what to say, and how to say it, you will never struggle to get women.

Think Like a Man

If you have watched the movie, "Think Like a Man" based on Steve Harvey's book, you'll know that when you say the right things with no intentions of following up, it will catch up with you. If you are not in it, do not make her believe that you are.

Finally, words will only come out based on your confidence. If you are confident, you'll be more creative. Forget the what you are not, if you have a mouth that can speak, and a mind that can come up with the words, you have what it takes. Remember, women are word stimulated.

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