Loving her

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How to show her love

There is a lot of material on what women can do to please men. How to dress for your man. How to make him happy. How to have sex with him and all sorts of things. Growing up, I never really felt that I needed to do anything in my life to please women. Today most men only please women with the intention of getting sex in return. It is widely acceptable, but not really spoken. Until you can pure love to a woman, you are not a man. I feel I became a men, when I finally opened up and loved someone else. I have redefined the word love. Love for me is "giving everything, and expecting nothing back in return". If you love in order to be loved, then that is not love, you're trading. Love is not a trade, it's a sacrifice. I am not saying that everyone is easy to love. It is not meant to be easy, you are an individual, and self is your main focus. To be able to shift that focus from self to another person is not something to be taken lightly. Here are a few ways to love her
  1. Let her know

If your words are the only way that she knows you love her, you have got to check yourself. You are falling short. Your words should come as an affirmations of actions that already show that you love her. When you say you love her, it should not be a surprise, she should already know it. Your actions should bear testimony of this love.

2.      Invest in her

This is very simple but very important. If you see a future with her, invest in her. When you invest in her, you are investing in your future. You are investing in the mother of your kids. You are investing in your family. If you do not want to invest in her, then please don’t waste her time. Leave her. When I say “invest”, I don’t necessarily mean financially. Some women just need some encouragement that they did not get elsewhere. She could be better if she knew that she could be. Invest your time in listening to her. Women need that release. To be able to pour their hearts out is therapeutic.

3.      Believe in her

The only woman I ever wanted to marry was the one woman I truly believed in. For other reasons, it did not work out. My belief in her propelled her. Your belief in your woman will propel her. If you believe in her, it will make it easier for you to invest in her. I have found in my experience most women are hurt. They are carrying a lot of pain in their hearts. Pain from parents and past relationships. She needs to know that you believe in her. As a keen business person, I have always been excited by the prospect of my woman being in business. If she has great ideas, help her build them. If the ideas are not as good, encourage her and help her improve those ideas. Do not just speak her down.

There are so many ways to love. These are just a few of the ways. How do you show you love? Drop a comment below. If you have questions, use our ask me page.